Prayer Chain Ministry

The St. Joseph Prayer Chain needs YOU to pray with us.  Here is how the Prayer Chain works and how you may participate:

The Parish Office receives a request for prayers for a person, family or situation.  A coordinator is contacted who puts the chain in action.  Calls are made to people, like you, asking them to pray for a particular intention, normally for a one-week period.

As a volunteer you may participate in one of two ways:

1.  You may agree to contact, by phone or email, persons whose names are given to you with the prayer request.

2.  You may prefer not to contact anyone and just pray as part of the chain.

This is a wonderful and rewarding ministry.  There are no meetings.  All that is asked of you is to love your neighbor in a time of need through prayer.  This ministry is carried out in the privacy of your home.  Year round or seasonal residents are invited to pray for those who ask for our help.  Please consider being part of this powerful ministry of prayer.

To volunteer or for more information, please contact the Parish Office (941-756-3732 or