Youth Group
Called to Greatness (CTG) & St. Joseph Youth Group (SJYG)
St. Joseph Parish is committed to fostering a Catholic Christian Education for its young people.
Called to Greatness (CTG) is for middle school students in 6th –8th grade. CTG meets twice a month (1st and 3rd) Wednesdays after school; 3-4:30pm in the Parish Center.
St. Joseph Youth Group (SJYG) is for students in 9th – 12th grade. SJYG meets twice a month Sundays from 6:30-8:15pm in the Parish Center for social and spiritual opportunities (after the 5:30pm Sunday mass). The evening consists of ice breaker activities, games, group prayer and intentions, and we frequently have guest speakers from our community teaching us how we can help others.
Both groups are open to all parish teens and friends. The aim of our youth groups is to bring the Gospel message of Hope, Faith, and Love to a generation threatened by a society which fosters alternatives to the Christian values expressed by our Catholic traditions and beliefs. The group is involved in community outreach and makes a positive statement in our community.
Through various techniques and skilled ministers, the young people develop a sense of what it means to be an active member of the Catholic Community. Through our Baptism we are called to respond to the various needs of our Church and world. It is our hope that through prayer, worship, and action, our young people will grow to know the Lord more intimately as they minister freely to the local and global church and world.
For more information contact Michelle Szczepanski, Youth Minister ( or 941-756-3732).
The 4 REQUIRED forms for youth group registration can be found below:
Printable PDF Registration form for MIDDLE SCHOOL (CTG) click here.
Printable PDF Registration form for HIGH SCHOOL (SJYG) click here.
To download the "Medical Authorization for Minors" form, click here.
To download the "Authorization for Release and Use of Image in Photo, Video, or Other Media" form, click here.
To download the "Parent/Guardian Consent to Release Minor to Third Party and Release of Liability/Agreement to Indemnify" form, click here.