Extrordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extrordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Most Catholics are well aware of the fact that the Eucharistic Prayers, including what most of us know as the "words of consecration" are about the transformation of the gifts on the table of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Did you know it is also about the transformation of us? The next time you gather for worship reflect on these other equally important phrases from the Eucharistic Prayers: "From age to age you gather a people to yourself," or "Make us worthy to stand in your presence and serve you." Have you really reflected these words? What meaning, if any, do they have in your life?
For EMHC these transforming and powerful words remind them that their primary function is one of service and love; that is, love of God and neighbor without reservation. When Jesus gave His Body as food to His disciples He said to them: "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12)
When people consider serving as EMHC, they may mistakenly assume that their job will be simply to help the priest distribute Communion and to speed up the celebration. As an EMHC, however, they serve the community by sharing with us the mystery that makes us one body. Their scheduled time for service may not always be convenient but it is always helpful.
If you feel Christ is calling you to a deeper relationship of love and service to God and church, consider this life-changing ministry. Contact Tim O'Connor (941-753-5634 or musicmaker@sjcfl.org) to make an appointment to discuss the possibility of serving our community as an EMHC at one of our Masses. To volunteer to bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound contact Jean Tierney (941.756.3732 or JTierney@sjcfl.org).